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FER Increased 0,88 Percent

Foto by Aceng Sofian/sawitfest 2021
FER Increased 0,88 Percent

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – In December 2023, the farmers’ exchange rate (FER) in Indonesia increased 0,88 percent to the previous month that reached 117,76. FER os the price index comparison that the farmers got (FG) to price index that farmers paid (FP). This is the significant indicators to know the farmers’ buying capability in many villages.

As in the official statement from Central Bureau of Statistic (CBS) to InfoSAWIT, Wednesday (3/1/2024), FER in national scale in January–December 2023 reached 112,46, within FG about 131,59 and FP about 117,01. It happened for the increasing FG about 1,29 percent, and be more than FP about 0,40 percent.

The increasing FER was reflected in December 2023. Central Sulawesi Province got the highest one about 2,22 percent. This showed the good economic potential in agricultural sectors. In the contrary, FER in North Maluku got the biggest decreasing FER that reached 0,88 percent. This reflected some challenges that the region faced.

Besides, the increasing housing consumption index that reached 0,53 percent in December 2023 contributed to the increasing FER. It happened for the increasing index of some big group of expense. This reflected the increasing consumption in the society.

Meanwhile agriculture housing business exchange (AHBE) in national scale in December 2023 reached 119,68, increased 1,17 percent to the previous month. AHBE is the significant indicator to know the agriculture housing business that correlated with economic progress in the sector.

The increasing FER and AHBE delivered hopes to escalate the farmers’ welfare and agriculture housing business in Indonesia. The analysis to the influencing factors that could change would be the basic to get better policy to support economic progress and welfare agricultural society. (T2)