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Indonesia: One of 10 Big Emission Producers in the World: Need Real Action to reduce

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Indonesia: One of 10 Big Emission Producers in the World: Need Real Action to reduce

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – The latest report by Global Carbon Project revealed that Indonesia is one of big carbon producer in the world with the increasing numbers up to 18.3% in 2022, which was the highest increasing numbers of other countries. The numbers were from fossil energy use, land use change, and high deforestation in Indonesia.

In specific, Indonesia is the second rank of the biggest emission producer in the world in land use. In 2013 – 2022, the average emission of land use change in this country reached 930 million tons or contributed almost 20% of the total emission in the globe in the sector. Together with Brazil and Congo Democratic Republic, Indonesia contributed more than half numbers from area emission in the world.

The report of Global Carbon Budget that was arranged by more than 120 scientists in international level revealed the finding after having peer-reviewed process. They told that every action in fossil fuel use was not as fast and effective as what it took to prevent the dangerous climate changes.

Iqbal Damanik, forest campaigner of Greenpeace Indonesia emphasized that as one most vulnerable country to climate changes, Indonesia needs to be responsible on reducing carbon emission in energy and area sector. He also reminded that there would be serious impact for Indonesia if there is no concrete things to do to face climate changes.

Executive Director of Madani Berkelanjutan, Nadia Hadad told that the government should transparently delivered data (about area use and the like) and compared with study data from the globe and from civil organizations. She also told that it is important to get law enforcement firmly to minimize deforestation.

Energy campaigner of Trend Asia, Novita Indri told that Indonesia still depends on coal and hardly half of the emission derived from forest and area sectors. She also mentioned, it needs to involve new renewable energy to reduce coal use.

Firdaus Cahyadi, Communication Specialist 350.org Indonesia criticized rencana umum energi nasional (RUEN) of Indonesia because it still depends of fossil energy, particularly coal until 2040. He also told it needs to substitute (fossil energy) to be more sustainable.

In a whole, the report would be the hard call for Indonesia to get and do real actions to reduce carbon emission, solve deforestation issues, and apply more environment energy. For Indonesia is vulnerable to climate changes, these would be crucial to protect the future generations. (T2)