InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Palm oil stick is the bone in palm oil leaves. It is the proof that palm oil industries are environmental. Tradition to cut off palm oil stick and let it get rotten around palm oil tree now changes to be economic chance for smallholders in Indonesia.
Many years ago, palm oil sticks were thought as wastes of plants that had no economic value significantly but now the smallholders in Indonesia take for advantages on creating profitable innovation. Palm oil leaves to be made to be palm oil sticks would deliver not only additional value but also escalate smallholders’ income.
As InfoSAWIT got from the official facebook of Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (PPKS), palm oil sticks would deliver positive advantages for the environment. Advantaging this kind of palm oil waste would reduce numbers of organic waste, deliver environment solution to support sustainability in palm oil industries.
The success of palm oil stick advantage as economic product showed that palm oil industries would develop sustainably and deliver economic advantages for the local. The increasing income of the smallholders through the innovation would create additional incentive to conserve sustainable environment in palm oil sector.
Palm oil stick would be the evidence of smallholders’ creativity by optimizing every aspect in palm oil and the symbol of positive change heading to more sustainable and environmental industries. (T2)