InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Food crisis flaming in the world keeps happening. This gets worse by the raise of economic, geopolitics crisis and unfriendly nature. Economic crisis that happens in developed countries delivered impact to the increasing US dollar.
Geopolitics crisis – the war between Russia and Ukraine delivered impacts to expensive energy and fertilizers in the world. Food price in the world got more expensive and it is uncontrolled. Sistem Integrasi Sapi Kelapa Sawit (SISKA) or palm oil – cow integrated system (POCIS) could maintain food security nationally particularly in cow meat in this country.
The better economy and increasing population encouraged cow meat consumption to increase for years. According to Badan Pangan Nasional (Bapanas), cow meat consumption in Indonesia averagely increased about five percent for years to be 2,57 kilograms per capita per year.
But the increasing consumption is not the same to production capability of cow meat in this country. It means, cow meet consumption needs are not the same with cow meat supply in this country which in the end, the lack of cow meat and feeder cattle should be supplied (imported) from other countries.
Because cow meat price is uncontrolled in the markets globally, to substitute cow meat, the government should import buffalo from India which it is cheaper than cow. In accumulation, import volume this year increased about 371 tons or 30.000s tons from last year import volume that reached 340.000 tons.
That is why to solve the decreasing cow meat supply in this country, the government through General Directorate of Livestock and Animal Health (LAH) Ministry of Agriculture keeps trying the best to fulfill cow meat supply in this country.
To realize the target, General Directorate of LAH decided priorities and implemented three priority programs in national scale and maximal regular by having downstream to upstream approach, corporation, partnership and authority synergy.
Of the three priority programs, one of them is about to develop palm oil – cow integrated system (POCIS)
POCIS has been reinforced by some regulations and could be executed in palm oil plantations. The regulations are Laws Number 18 / 2009 about Livestock and Animal Health; Laws Number 39 / 2014 about Plantation which becomes the significant one to encourage POCIS; President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2019 about National Action Plan Sustainable Palm Oil; Regulation of Minister of Agriculture Number 98 / 2013 about Plantation Business Permit Guidelines; and Regulation of Minister of Agriculture Number 105 / 2014 about Palm Oil Plantation Business Integrated with Cow Breeding Business. (T2)