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MPOB Would Launch Traceability Application: Connect 500 Thousand Smallholders in Malaysia

Doc. InfoSAWIT
MPOB Would Launch Traceability Application: Connect 500 Thousand Smallholders in Malaysia

InfoSAWIT, KUALA LUMPUR – New platform in traceability that Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) would launch, is believed to connect about almost 500 thousand smallholders in Malaysia. The platform would trace every transaction and help to obey criteria and condition to get certificate of sustainability.

This is about to gather every data, trace detail of transaction in palm oil trade, and as the preparation to obey the regulations in European Union.

General Director of MPOB, Datuk Ahmad Parveez Ghulam Kadir said that the platform is in final process to develop new traceability and to simplify palm oil industries. The platform would involve different licenses that would be adjusted to every main actor, mill, trader. Everyone would get mandate to comprehensively deliver report.

When smallholders get interaction with trade and during the transaction, dealer would use the special application in the platform system. The innovative approach would confirm that every trade from smallholders to dealer would be monitored by the application.

“For instance, information ‘I purchased palm oil from the batch from smallholder (A). it should be completed by the permit number’. This would be carefully noted into the application system,” he said, as quoted from Business Time.

It is the same when fresh fruit bunch or palm oil has been delivered into a mill. Every mill should document the sources of distributors.

Knowing that a trader could get oil from many smallholders, let us say 10 or 20, it is important to keep the notes to confirm everything runs smooth in the system.

Every group of actors, such as, mill to dealer, should play their own roles and be responsible to enable every transaction and activity traced in palm oil supply chain.

MPOB would help to display every information about company in the supply chain, from FFB to exporters.

“That is why we would develop the system to facilitate data taking of FFB accurately. Every dealer should be completed by each device to note every information, confirm every accurate detail and should be right when dealing with every phase in the supply chain,” Ahmad Parveez. (T2)