Flash News

Smallholders about Sustainable Palm Oil Practices

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/ Deputy Coordinator Minister in Food and Agribusiness Coordination, Musdhalifah Machmud.
Smallholders about Sustainable Palm Oil Practices

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - It is not easy to accelerate certification scheme namely if it relates to smallholders because there are lots of numbers of independent smallholders.

Deputy Coordinator Minister in Food and Agribusiness Coordination, Musdhalifah Machmud said it is time for the smallholders to act with stakeholders together to maintain palm oil sector remain the number one producer in the world.

Musdhalifah told, it is not easy for them to implement sustainable principles because the principles are not simple. Smallholders’ plantation status should be clearly and legally known, and not be in forest regions.

Palm oil production should really be proved to encourage economic value enhancement, to get advantages, goals as well. If the productivity gets lower still, the harvest production could not pay back the production costs, it means, the smallholders do not implement ISPO because they do not get the advantages.

The main environmental (principle) is about to deliver income, welfare the smallholders, and eventually get better economy in the region. “One thing for sure, the positivity is that there would be infrastructure supports,” she said. (T2)

for more, please read Majalah InfoSAWIT, August 2023