InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Director of Indonesian Commodity and Derivative Exchange (ICDX), Nursalam said physical crude palm oil (CPO) trade was firstly running since it was launched last week.
“The first trade would be the good moment for CPO industries in Indonesia that would prioritize fair, credible, and efficient trade,” Nursalam said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Saturday (21/10/2023).
Meanwhile Director of ICDX, Yugieandy Tirta said that the first physical CPO trade was the local one which was handed over from Dumai within its Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certificate. It reached 100 tons with the match price through dutch auction mechanism. It reached Rp 11.305,00/kg. it is also hoped to be the flame for CPO industries in Indonesia to get more synergy in CPO exchange.
VP Membership ICDX, Yohanes F Silaen said that since on 16 October 2023 until now, the participants joining the socialization and training schedules to know every regulation and mechanism reached 32 companies and 57 participants. The numbers showed that the stakeholders were enthusiastic in Indonesian CPO exchange. (T2)