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Strategies of District of Paser to Encourage Independent Smallholders in Implementing ISPO

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/Regent of Paser, Fahmi Fadli.
Strategies of District of Paser to Encourage Independent Smallholders in Implementing ISPO

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - District of Paser, East Kalimantan Province has had palm oil plantations according to Regional Spatial Plan about 398.945 hectares. From the numbers in 2020, 215.614,60 hectares were developing for plantations such as, palm oil (201.168,42 hectares) or 93,3%. The rests, 6,7% were rubber, coffee, coconut, and other plantations.

Independent smallholders’ palm oil plantations in District of Paser in 2021/2022 laid about 80.703,70 hectares. To escalate their welfare and life quality, District of Paser supported Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification program.

Regent of Paser, Fahmi Fadli said, the Regulation of Regent of Paser about Regional Action Plan Sustainable Palm Oil or Rencana Aksi Daerah Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAD-KSB) Number 46 / 2023 encouraged to obey other regulations that cover legal, and cultivation for every planter, location of plantations, area conflict, compensation, and others, business legal, and obligation to environment permit. It also regulates about GAP that covers planters’ organizations and cultivation.

Fadli thought, environment management covers fire prevention and control, biodiversity conservation, and transparency implementation that covers FFB price agreement, and providing data and information. These would lead to sustainable business that covers increasing performance to support sustainable palm oil.

That is why to realize sustainable plantations, District of Paser implemented some strategies, such as, replanting program that covered more than 7.435 hectares that spent about Rp 190 billion in 2017 to 2023 that Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) supported.

The others are, encouraging plantation infrastructure enhancement, partnership between companies and smallholders, getting cooperation with NGO, foundation, and plantation cooperation to empower independent smallholders to escalate their plantation production.

Fahmi continued, there is a program to deliver solution about plantation status and area legal by publishing smallholders’ palm oil plantation ownership by synergizing the acceleration program PTSL and National Land Agency District of Paser, proposing enclave/to substitute regional spatial plans to Province of East Kalimantan and central government. (*)

for more, please read Majalah InfoSAWIT, August 2023