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The Roles of Agronomists in Society 5.0

Doc. InfoSAWIT
The Roles of Agronomists in Society 5.0

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - The technology keeps developing and changing man’s life style and work. In addition, the society gets into Society 5.0 era where physical room meets virtual world. For agronomists, this era would have big challenges particularly to harmonize agricultural sectors with Society 5.0.

In general, Society 5.0 means that the center of people is in the men themselves to balance the economic development and social issue solution through the system that combines virtual world and physical room.

Prior, the people (society) 5.0 was introduced to technology and basic science plan the fifth as the future society as the follow up of the hunting society (society 1.0), the agricultural society (society 2.0), the industrial society (society 3.0), and the information society (society 4.0).

Society 5.0 in food agricultural society is the society that creates high value by combining real physical room and virtual space and contributes to realize the future image and development strategies.

The roles of agronomy in this era would face big challenges, such as, to harmonize agriculture with Society 5.0. At least, it would have something to do with three significant aspects, such as, the first, technology integration; the second, climate change and sustainable natural resource cultivation; and the third, area healthy and pest, disease control.

Technology Integration

It is significant for the agronomy sector to innovate. The technology could be taken for advantages such as, remote sensing, data analysis, and advantaging drone would deliver valuable insights. By advantaging these, agronomists could take (a) decisions, optimize plant production, and make sure that natural resources would be wisely used.

The new value of Society 5.0 could be got by analyzing artificial intelligence (AI) towards big data that may consist of kinds of information, such as, meteorology data, plant development data, market condition, and food trend and needs.

It needs to reach out ‘smart agriculture’ that is efficient in hiring workers but in high production by optimizing the agricultural work and robot tractor, it needs to optimize plant data collection through drone, automating and optimizing water management according to weather forecast, river data and others. it needs to formulate agricultural plans by managing harvest result which is adjusted with the needs, optimizing work plans with weather forecast, experiences, and knowledge, and expanding in customers’ – basis.

It needs to get wanted agricultural products by consumers’ demands, send agricultural products for them when they need through non-driver vehicle. Even further for the whole society, this solution could help to increase food production, stabilize supply, solve the lack of workers’ issue in agricultural regions, decrease food waste, and encourage consumption. (*)

By: Dadang Gusyana/Chairman in Agronomy, Perkumpulan Praktisi Professional Perkebunan Indonesia (P3PI)

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