InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Palm oil plantations in many regions in Indonesia were developed based on mutual cooperation among the stakeholders. In fact, ever since palm oil was developed, it needed participation from many stakeholders in the regions to be part of people’s economic around.
To develop palm oil was involving the public to participate. It is known as free prior informed consent (FPIC) concept. In simple, it is the agreement based on no force but part of human rights principles.
No force itself develops since war of the world 2nd ended and was promoted as the way to guarantee dignity and nature of mankind. No force is basically the principle to say that the people (local or indigenous one) have the rights to accept or reject every idea, project of development that would be running in one region where they live in.
The government itself in a country has its obligation to respect, protect, and fulfill the people’s rights and no force principle. It means, no force principle can be promoted to many development activity and natural resource advantage, and certain forms to escalate the people’s participation to develop, and prevent conflicts to happen with the stakeholders. That is why it is significant to get sustainability through cooperation among stakeholders to get development in (one) regions.
According to theory of Collaboration that Colbry and friends developed, cooperation among individuals in one team is needed to get social learning and development based on the stakeholders’ needs. Social learning itself could be developed with the local society to develop knowledge and get the same solution on every issue ahead.
That is why many social and environmental issues that palm oil plantations face until today need cooperation among stakeholders, including the governments themselves. Kinds of interest that keep developing also need forums of discussion and same understanding to get the same solution.