InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – As the biggest palm oil producer in the world, Indonesia has many renewable sources of energy in big numbers to be optimized and to accelerate economic activity in many sectors.
Through biodiesel mandatory program, the government could increase additional value from palm oil products in Indonesia, encourage energy development which is environmental, and minimize dependence on fossil energy.
Biodiesel mandatory program showed the progress that should be appreciated. The government successfully save the exchange by reducing diesel imports.
“In 2022, B30 contribute to save Rp 122,65 trillion of exchange and delivered increasing additional values of CPO to be biodiesel up to RP 12,12 trillion,” Assistant Deputy of Plantation Agribusiness Development, Coordinator Ministry, Eddy Yusuf said when speaking at Rembug Tani Nasional Petani Kelapa Sawit Indonesia 2023 that InfoSAWIT attended in Jakarta, Thursday, (31/8/2023).
Eddy also told that in 2023, the government implements B35 and the distribution could be 13,15 million kiloliters (Kl) or equal to 226 thousand barrel per day.
The exchange that the government saved, Eddy continued, could be up to US$ 10,75 billion or equal to Rp 161 trillion. The implementation of B35 would hire 1,65 million workers, minimize green-house gas emission up to 34,9 million tons equivalent. “After B35, the government would continue to implement B40, and the hope to be B100,” he said and continued, “Mandatory 30 to be B35 emphasizes Indonesia as the biggest palm oil biodiesel producer in the world. Malaysia as the second biggest producer in the world does not fully implement B20. This needs appreciation,” he said. (T2)