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The 43rd ASEAN Conference Would be in the Early of September 2023 in Indonesia

Doc. of Istimewa/The 43rd ASEAN Conference in Indonesia would be on 5 - 7 September 2023.
The 43rd ASEAN Conference Would be in the Early of September 2023 in Indonesia

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – The meeting of Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) leader or known as ASEAN Conference would be held on 5 to 7 September 2023. This would be the 43rd time and in Indonesia.

The theme in the conference would be ‘ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth’.

As InfoSAWIT quoted from the official Cabinet Secretariat, Thursday (31/8/2023), the 43rd ASEAN Conference would be led by President Joko Widodo in person. It is planned to be running at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC).

Series of activity in the conference should reinforce the achievement and foundation from 2045 ASEAN Vision and reinforce ASEAN as an institution both from making more effective and efficient decision and from substantial organization.

For information Indonesia would be the fourth host of leadership of ASEAN. Indonesia wants to put the basic of cooperation in ASEAN be more strategic in the future. Besides, Indonesia wants to reinforce it, get performance mechanism, reinforce natural resources in ASEAN. President Joko Widodo in his leadership consents about those.

Update the progress in the 43rd ASEAN Conference on 5 - 7 September 2023 only at InfoSAWIT. News networking of Mitra Media Networks. (T1)