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To Accelerate Integrated Palm Oil – Cow Program, Gapensiska Established SCRD

Doc. of Gapensiska/Agreement to Establish SISKA Collaboration Research and Dissemination (SCRD).
To Accelerate Integrated Palm Oil – Cow Program, Gapensiska Established SCRD

InfoSAWIT, DEPOK - Sistem Integrasi Sawit-Sapi (SISKA) would have the strategic position to develop plantation and livestock sectors in Indonesia. Gabungan Pelaku and Pemerhati Sistem Integrasi Sapi-Kelapa Sawit (Gapensiska) believed, the system would encourage to realize the government’s plans to realize sustainable palm oil plantations.

To realize the collaborative spirit to accelerate SISKA development in Indonesia, Gapensiska got initiative to establish SISKA Collaboration Research and Dissemination (SCRD) to get multi-stakeholder cooperation, such as, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), universities, General Directorate of Plantation, General Directorate of Livestock and Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture, Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA), Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, regional governments, and associations that relate to other plantations and livestock.

In a focus group discussion (FGD) on Tuesday, 22 August 2023, many parties attended and got the strong commitment to cooperate, collaborate by signing chart of collaboration.

It needs to have collaborative spirit because SISKA would be implement in many aspects, such as, social, economy, legal, and environment. “Gapensiska should support the good cow ecosystem development in palm oil plantation and good for both. The cows should be healthy and palm oil trees grow productively,” Chairman of Board of Supervisor Gapensiska, Rusman Heriawan said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT.

IPOA is interesting and committed to support Gapensiska to arrange and formulate program designs in SISKA in big private and smallholders’ plantations. “Including livestock business analysis, preparing human resources in palm oil plantation – livestock sector,” Chairman in Plantation IPOA, Azis Hidayat said,

According to the information, from the follow up of the FGD, SCRD would focus to develop and deliver technical guidelines (dissemination), support good farming practice innovation research in SISKA implementation in the development locations, particularly in West Kalimantan, Riau, South Kalimantan – Tanah Bumbu. (T2)