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13 Palm Oil Plantation Companies Shared to Improve Ways Heading to Sambas Botanical Garden

Special Doc. /Head of Livestock and Plantation Agency West Kalimantan Province, Heronimus Hero did plant kayu ulin tree (Eusideroxylon zwageri) or kayu besi/kayu Belian as the launching of botanical g
13 Palm Oil Plantation Companies Shared to Improve Ways Heading to Sambas Botanical Garden

InfoSAWIT, PONTIANAK – 13 palm oil plantation companies contributed and collaborated with District of Sambas to improve ways heading to Sambas Botanical Garden or Kebun Raya Sambas. For their supports, District of Sambas gave awards to the companies.

It was part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) program and environment building in District of Sambas to participate and develop Sambas Botanical Garden.

For information, in the district, there are 30 palm oil plantation companies. 13 of them are in Sub district of Subah where they operate around Sambas Botanical Garden.

Plantation business permit for the whole palm oil plantation companies in the district laid about 177.002,36 hectares and the planted ones laid about 75.911,33 hectares.

As InfoSAWIT quoted from the official facebook of West Kalimantan Livestock and Plantation Agency, Monday, 14 August 2023, Governor of West Kalimantan represented by Head of Livestock and Plantation Agency West Kalimantan Province, Heronimus Hero attended and witnessed the inauguration of Sambas Botanical Garden.

It was the cooperation between District of Sambas and Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) Indonesian Republic. Sambas Botanical Garden is open for the public to visit.

Heronimus Hero also planted kayu ulin tree (Eusideroxylon zwageri) or kayu besi/kayu Belian as the launching of Sambas Botanical Garden and the ways to conserve environment around it.

The other information is that Sambas Botanical Garden is in Village of Sabung, Sub district of Subah, District of Sambas. It lays about 184,5 hectares and the former conservation of situ Tumbuhan Riparian or the plants for the first natural river water tide in Indonesia. There have been 493 species with 23 Vak where collection plot areas that border one to another. (T2)