InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – The involvement of the Government of Indonesia as the organizer has something to do with palm oil plantation development until now. The plantation could produce fresh fruit bunch (FFB) successfully. If many years ago, palm oil was not planted, many companies could get nothing because palm oil plantation companies focused to plant palm oil only.
On the other hand, palm oil plantations should involve local people to be active in palm oil development. As the partners of many companies, the people involved in the first place as smallholders to cultivate their own areas.
The local people would have bigger chances to work at many palm oil plantation companies as employees because the companies need the support from the local to operate. That is why the opportunity of working can be widely opening for the villagers where they are in distance from the urbans.
Assistant Deputy of Plantation Agribusiness Development Coordinator Ministry in Economy, Moch. Edy Yusuf said, to realize sustainable palm oil governance, the government would keep encouraging the policy Rencana Aksi Nasional Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAN-KSB), which is the mandate of regulation of President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2019 about Rencana Aksi Nasional Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan in 2019 - 2024.
Eddy also thought, RAN-KSB would help the government to formulate, arrange the better palm oil governance. The implementation of the regulation could be by having trainings to planters namely smallholders to realize sustainable cultivation.
“We would also evaluate, monitor, involve many stakeholders both smallholders, planters, and 20 provinces where palm oil plantations grow to realize the regulation,” he said in Focus Group Discussion (FGD) SAWIT BERKELANJUTAN VOL 12, with the theme “Mendorong Keterlibatan Masyarakat Perdesaan Hasilkan Minyak Sawit Berkelanjutan”, that media InfoSAWIT did with the support of Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA), Tuesday (31/1/2023) in Jakarta.
He continued, the regional government would be always encouraged to cultivate palm oil plantation sustainable and would help to realize sustainable environment for the next generations. “Sustainability is for our grandchildren. Sustainable practices should always exist,” Eddy said.
That is why his side would revise some in Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) regulation. There would be downstream sectors to be arranged and would be confirmed by the cooperation among the ministries/institutions, including implementing transparent principles. “The government realizes that palm oil should not have the same destiny with spices,” he said. (T2)