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FFB is Less than Rp 1.600/kg, The Smallholders Still Got Profits

FFB is Less than Rp 1.600/kg, The Smallholders Still Got Profits

InfoSAWIT, IDI RAYEUK – Prior the government encouraged palm oil plantation companies to purchase smallholders’ fresh fruit bunch (FFB) at least Rp 1.600/kg but the fact, there is no realization still

For instance, independent smallholders’ FFB in Sub district of Rantau Peureulak, District of Aceh Timur, Aceh Province, is sold at Rp 1.100/kg and it is about Rp 1.300/kg in the mills.

Chairman of Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Apkasindo) Sub district of Rantau Peureulak, Muslidar said, the smallholders cannot sell their FFB based on what the government decided.

“It is not the same with what the government’s decision, only Rp 1.100 per kg but we are grateful. It may happen for some reasons,” Muslidar said to InfoSAWIT, Tuesday (26/7/2022).

He also mentioned, they are grateful for the numbers because some of their friends in Rantau Peureulak still remembered their hard times and sold their FFB at Rp 400/kg.

Though it is now Rp 1.100/kg, he told that the smallholders still get luck. “I have 7 hectares of palm oil plantation. The nursery could be about Rp 3 million. The harvest I got could be reaching about 1 ton or 1,2 tons. I still got luck when selling it,” he said.

He continued, the smallholders that join smallholders’ replanting program (SRP) could at least harvest about 2 tons per hectares per month and their FFB is much more than it before implementing SRP

He also hoped, FFB price could be back to normal like few months ago which reached Rp 3.000s per kg and also reminded his fellows to save to face the hard times like now. (T5)

This article was published at sumatera.infosawit.com with the title © arga TBS Rp 1.100/Kg, Petani Masih Bersyukur karena …