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Palm Oil Integrated Program is Not As Beautiful as the Plan, Companies and Smallholders are Different

Palm Oil Integrated Program is Not As Beautiful as the Plan, Companies and Smallholders are Different

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Palm oil – cow integrated program may seem not beautiful because it is in the reverse with the real facts. It needs sustainable sources of woof.

The breeding belonging to the corporates which have mills, one thing for sure, the program would be running well and having superior quality of cows.

Chairman of Sentra Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Berkat Bersama, YB. Zainanto Hari Widodo said, some big breeders belonging to big palm oil plantation companies would be able to implement the program maximally. “For they have abundant sources of woof, the companies could have thousands of animals in their plantations,” he recently said to InfoSAWIT.

This is contrary to the people’s livestock. Palm oil – cow integrated program is beyond expectation. They, he continued, have ability to breed the animals (cows) for having experiences to produce woof made of palm oil wastes, such as, solid and cake.

Zainanto continued, Sentra Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) within Sekolah Lapang Peternakan Rakyat, for instance, delivered materials about processing woof. Now the breeders are able to process it.

In Sub district of Pangkalan Lada, District of West Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan Province, there are about 450 men having for about 2.000 cows. The numbers are not included in other sub districts where the people do breed cows in palm oil plantations. But the numbers are relatively not more than the corporates’ breeding. “The breeders are difficult to multiply the population of cow because of limited sources of woof,” he said.

He continued, because of it, they should implement ‘spanyol’ (separo nyolong) system or get the materials from black markets. Besides not being available in the black markets, the breeders are afraid that they would be taken as ‘keepers’

The other irony is that the cake that the breeders bought is more expensive than it in Java. If they want to buy it in the mill directly, they have to have delivery order (DO) which the price includes the shipping cost.

Actually, the breeders want to get palm oil solid and cake easily within economic price. Unfortunately, the government does not optimally respond their complaints both in the regions and the private sectors that belong the mills.

On the other hand, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs by the company needs to increase. The companies that invested in the district (West Kotawaringin) should get not only big profits but also deliver responsibility to mobilize the people’s economy in the surroundings.

In the past years, the breeders waited for some promises but there is no certain time to get them solved. “Or is the mainstay palm oil – cow integrated program unreachable by the weak hands of the people’s breeder. Could it be said, the animals die on their woof barn? Will it be the reality?” Zainanto questioned.

Source: InfoSAWIT, May 2022