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IPOA Agreed to Conduct Social Dialogue to Solve Palm Oil Plantation Labors’ Issues

IPOA Agreed to Conduct Social Dialogue to Solve Palm Oil Plantation Labors’ Issues

InfoSAWIT, MEDAN – To deliver balanced information, social dialogue should exist between the labors and palm oil plantation companies. This would minimize the conflict between both sides.

Coordinator in Labor, Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA), Sumarjono Saragih, said, social dialogue would be the best way to solve palm oil plantation labors’ issues.

“I appreciate to get social dialogue which Federasi Serikat Buruh Perkebunan Indonesia (F-SERBUNDO) did. Believe it, half issues between the labors and the companies would be solved by dialogue process,” the Chairman of Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (APINDO) South Sumatera Province said in a multi-stakeholder seminar and social dialogue with the theme “Memperkuat Serikat Buruh sebagai Mitra Strategis Perusahaan Perkebunan Sawit”, Tuesday (5/7/2022) in Medan which InfoSAWIT joined.

He quoted a study deliverd by International Labor Organization (ILO) that said, prioritizing social dialogue in Covid-19 pandemic could save the companies and the labors. Saragih thought, the conducive social dialogue would help bipartite dialogue between the labors and the company and save sustainable palm oil industries in national scale.

“Our palm oil products are sold in the globe. What is running is the laws of markets. It is more powerful than the law in our country. If the markets globally claim that ours cannot be sold, our palm oil industries would fall apart nationally,” Saragih said. (T5)